About elcuyo.net
We’d heard whispers of El Cuyo… a paradise island that was stuck in a time warp, right at the tip of the Yucatan peninsular. This was the beginning of 2017. So began our search for information.
The quest for information
Every road (ie: google search) led to a dead end. We found various blogs and information published in the preceding years, but nothing up to date.
We made our first trip to El Cuyo in May that year, knowing very little and with minimal expectations. We fell in love on arrival. There wasn’t a breath of wind. The sea was like a mirror. The streets sandy and empty.

Pleasant surprises
We’d expected there to be no phone signal (and definitely no internet), so we were surprised when one of our phones worked and even had 3G.
We’d pitched our tent on the beach as the hotel pickings looked slim. We later learned we should have used Airbnb, which had an abundance of vacation rentals.

We’d brought food with us as we’d read that the 1 restaurant had limited service hours, and the shops stocked nothing. Imagine our surprise when we were able to eat in no fewer than 3 different restaurants/snack places – at the times we wanted! The shops, whilst not Walmart, were well-stocked with the basics (like mini Oxxos).
During that weekend we found a house to rent…and the rest is history.
But, as we left the town on that Sunday (in serious need of a good shower), I had this niggling idea… El Cuyo needed a website to provide future visitors with up to date information on the beautiful little fishing village.
And so, elcuyo.net was conceived – a website that would provide up to date and impartial advice. Misinformation is worse than no information.
And so it was

elcuyo.net went live on 16th December 2017. Where to stay, what to do, where to eat and how to get here were the bones of the project.
I’ve continued to work on elcuyo.net regularly. The Instagram account has a good following as it’s easy to take photos of El Cuyo…living here is a photographer’s dream.

The future
The big goal for the future of elcuyo.net is that through donations or advertising the page can generate income to:
· Generate employment opportunities & training
· Assistance in urban development
· Raise awareness of tourism’s impact on nature
This is the dream.
I’m not sure how we’ll get there… but I’m just putting it out there, just in case you can point me in the right direction…
I love it that people think that there’s a team of us at work behind the scenes. Nope. But thank you ever so much for thinking it looks like there could be! You made me smile. elcuyo.net is just me, Cathy Sissens…nice to meet you. 🙂 I live the quiet life and you’ll probably bump into me, walking my dog on the beach.
PS: Nothing is sponsored and I receive no kickbacks from anyone/anything. Affiliate links will only be created for something I’m already advocating (and it’ll say it’s an affiliate link). The site is as objective as possible and will remain as such. The information is tailored for you, the reader – who I’ve assumed is someone who wants a safe visit to paradise that meets expectations.
I have a vested interest in El Chile Gordo restaurant – my partner and I own it. You’ll notice it gets the same (if not less) coverage as other restaurants.
I also manage properties for rental – they appear on this website because they adhere to the strict criteria applied to all others (ie: they get rave reviews!)